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Monday, October 7, 2013

Accelerate Your Weight Loss by Eating Foods That Help You Lose Fat

I am going to share how you can accelerate your weight loss by eating foods that help you lose fat. Not all foods are created equal and there are some foods that can help your body control fat. If you would like to learn how you can speed up your weight loss by simply making different food choices then I would like to invite you to read this article.

Accelerate Your Weight Loss

1. Eat foods with vitamin C. Foods like lemons, grapefruit and oranges have a natural fat burning quality that helps fat break down and get flushed out.

2. Eat foods with pectin. Apples, berries and most fresh fruits contain pectin which cuts down on the amount of fat a body cell can absorb.

3. Eat protein. Protein has a high thermic effect on the body. This means that when you eat protein your body uses a lot of energy and this is a boost to your metabolism. Another benefit of protein is that it stimulates the release of a hormone called glucagon which can reverse the fat storage properties of other hormones.

4. Avoid refined carbohydrates. These quick digesting foods such as white bread, pasta, candy and cookies can create an internal environment in your body that favors fat making because they cause such a dramatic rises in your blood sugar levels.

5. Drink water. When your body is in a state of dehydration your metabolism drops and your ability to burn fat drops. Start each morning with a glass of water and give yourself a glass every couple of hours.

You can accelerate your weight loss by making better food choices.

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